18:15 - 2012 فبراير 01

AFP launches "Eye on a new Century", the first of several AFP Photo APPS for iPad

...adapted from a 2010 Book " The shock of the new Century" featuring the best images from the first decade of the new Millennium.

Events which marked the first decade of the 21st Century are vividly recalled through the images in the app….the Concorde crash, Yves Saint Laurent's farewell to the fashion industry, Zidane's head-butt, the death of Michael Jackson, the attacks on September 11, 2001. Each of the 130 photos has a corresponding caption and commentary from the photographer. The menu consists of 12 images linking to the photo gallery for the corresponding year. Once inside the gallery, photos appear in full screen. Just scroll vertically to move to the next photo and horizontally to switch years. A banner can be called up displaying all the years and their content.

AFP will release as well "Rugby 2011" an easy to navigate application celebrating the best of last November's Rugby World Cup through the lenses of Agence France-Presse's prize winning photographers. The nine high-definition photo galleries feature bone-crunching tackles and spectacular tries, the emotional highs and lows on the way to a dramatic final won by hosts New Zealand.

Future "AFP Photo Books" applications will be devoted to highlights of current events and key personalities. AFP also plans a number of other photo apps including on the environment, faith rituals and traditions and offbeat features. A selection of galleries dedicated to the AFP Photo Annual, featuring the best news pictures of 2011, will be released in January. In February, we will run a retrospective of the Arab revolutions to mark the first anniversary of the uprising in Tunisia. Other themes will appear during 2012.

With these new "pay for" apps, the first two of which are on sale at a special launch price of 1.59 euro, AFP is strengthening its presence on the mobile market, one of the agency's key development areas.