17 Jan 2020 - 19:41

AFP participates in the annual BOBCATSSS meeting

AFP will be present at the 2020 edition of BOBCATSSS, an annual conference which deals this year with information and disinformation.

Bobtcasss is run by Bobcatsss Association (formerly EUCLID), which brings together members from different European countries and is intended for an audience of researchers, librarians, teachers and students of information sciences.

Bobcatsss 2020’s theme is "Information Management, Fake News and Disinformation" and is organized by the Institut Francilien d’Ingénierie des Services (IFIS), component of the new University "Gustave Eiffel" (UGE), and the University of Libraries and Information Technology (ULSIT) in Sofia.

During this conference, which will take place from 22 to 24 January 2020 at Gustave Eiffel University, AFP will present Youcheck!, a European media education project of which it is a partner, which aims to offer tools, accessible to a large audience, to detect information present on the web and will demonstrate the extension InVID / WeVerify, co-developed by AFP, which helps journalists to verify the images and videos conveyed in particular on social networks. Finally, this meeting will also be an opportunity to come back to his AFP Fact Check, developed in ten languages ​​and fed by AFP journalists around the world, in charge of fact-checking.