• The Slideshow service delivers 60 dynamic photo slideshows a month to keep users engaged. It provides dynamic visual leisure on: major events, what’s new, trends and selections. It is available by subscription in English, French and soon in other languages.
  • As well as covering the latest events and products, the service includes regularly scheduled weekly and monthly slideshows: top 10 street styles from around the world, how to get a celebrity’s look, rising fashion brands, upcoming technology and video game releases, striking images of the week. During Fashion Weeks, you will find Beauty and Fashion highlights & trends.
  • Each slideshow includes 5 to 12 pictures in high and low resolution with commentary and credits.
  • Pictures are available in 18 formats: original, fixed height (50, 100, 200, 300 pixels), fixed width (50, 80, 100, 200, 250, 300, 400, 600, 640 pixels), fixed width or squared (50x50, 80x80, 100x100, 200x200 pixels). The animation of the slideshow can also be downloaded via the platform.