Through a wide range of complementary products including text, photos, graphics and HTML5 apps, available for all platforms (Print, Web, Digital Signage or Mobile), AFP provides you with LIVE news and in-depth results, directly from Rio.



Some 600 dispatches per day in six languages.


More than 1,000 photos will be transmitted daily in real time.

The photo coverage will include thematic galleries featuring logos, mascots, amenities, security, the city, Christ the Redeemer and historical archives.

AFP TV logo AFP logo

Complete coverage on and off the event: amenities, reactions of the medalists, press conferences, economic impacts and video archives.



Infographics & Videographics

Cold content: athlete’s biographies, the stars of Rio, Olympic history and culture.

Rio Live

A real-time multimedia flow with text and photos covering all the aspects of the Olympic Games: the life of the athletes, fans, interviews and the day's events.


HTML5 Apps

The calendar, results in real time, medal tables, records, photo galleries and archives galleries.